Sunday, November 23, 2008

great site for info

A good site to read is by Jim Strickland. Lots of info. Additionally, go to the link to the right side of the page for the and find title 38 sec 4 for veteran's disabilities. This is a comprehensive guide of all disabilities that the VBA acknowledges


I have to let you know that the majority of veterans hit stumbling blocks when dealing with the Veterans Administration. The problem is not having the needed help when submitting a well grounded claim. We all think that all we have to do is make a claim for an injury/illness that we occurred during active duty. This is not the case. A well grounded claim is essential in the beginning process in order to stop delays in your claim. Your Regional Office (RO) well give you every opportunity to submit the needed paperwork. The most important element is showing that a competent medical professional will provided a medical opinion/statement that casually connects your active duty illness/injury with a current illness/disease. I will post more information in my next posting.